Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Peserta BPJS di FKTP Wilayah Banda Aceh

Meri Lidiawati, iziddin Fadhil, Nur Pida


Health services are an effort organized to maintain and improve the level of public health. Health services are a basic need for every human being, so the quality of health services must be given great attention by health service providers. The Community Health Service Center is a first-level health service facility that carries out public and individual health efforts that prioritize preventive and promotive efforts with the aim of achieving a high level of public health in the work area. Based on this problem, researchers want to conduct research with the title "The influence of health service quality on patient satisfaction of BPJS participants in FKTP Banda Aceh region". The aim of this research is to describe the satisfaction of outpatient BPJS patients with health services at First Level Health Facilities based on 5 (five) service dimensions, namely physical evidence (tangible), reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy (empathy). This research uses a quantitative type of research with a descriptive analytical design using a cross sectional approach. With 200 participants as respondents, based on the results of the analysis and discussion there is a relationship between responsiveness (responsiveness) 50.9%, physical evidence (tangible) 51.8%, reliability (reliability) 52.7%, assurance (guarantee) 54% to patient satisfaction outpatient treatment at the Banda Aceh Region FKTP and there is no relationship between 52.5% and 52.5% empathy for outpatient satisfaction at the Banda Aceh Region FKTP in 2023. The Influence of Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction Based on the results of data analysis carried out, especially those relating to the Quality of Service provided by BPJS officers at FKTP, which shows that in reality the quality of service available supports patient satisfaction. This can be seen from the good condition of the services available, including BPJS officers who respond quickly to serve, the behavior of officers when handling services is guaranteed, and appropriate service to patients at FKTP.

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