Amiruddin Amiruddin, Masri Masri, Alfarabi Alfarabi


Tae Kwon Do is one of the martial arts branch that comes from South Korea. The meaning of Tae Kwon Do comes from Tae is the foot, Kwon punches by hand and Do is art. So Tae Kwon Do can be interpreted as one of the sports martial arts that use the feet and hands as a martial arts weapon to conquer his opponent. The success of coaching achievement is determined by various elements that influence. One of the elements that influence the achievement of the goal of coaching achievement is the application of good management. This study aims to determine the development of sports achievements Tae Kwon Do in Banda Aceh. This type of research belongs to the type of descriptive research that is actual or that describes the events that occur in the present moment. The population in this study is all the people around the dojang Tae Kwon Do Banda Aceh which amounted to 20 people. Sampling technique performed is porposive sampling. Data collection techniques were conducted using a questionnaire containing 15 items of statement questions. Data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis technique, this is used to analyze data obtained. The data analysis is done by calculating the percentage for each given answer according to the questionnaire number by applying the percentage formula and looking for the average value. The result of the research is as follows: Banda Aceh people's perception on Tae Kwon Do sport achievement with average 63,65 is in very good category, with 1 respondent in good category and 19 respondents are in very good category with level percentage 95%

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