Suryani Suryani, M Syauqi, Putri Dini Meutia


This study aims to know whether Mind Mapping technique can improve students’ ability in reading comprehension or not. To answer this research question, the researchers applied experimental study. Two classes of the first grade students in SMAN 1 Sukamakmur were chosen as the sample of this study. In order to get the data, test was used as the main research instrument. The researcher applied teaching reading comprehension by using Mind Mapping technique in the experimental class only. Based on the result, it was found that teaching reading comprehension by using Mind Mapping technique was better than control class. The result of test revealed that the mean score of pre-test of control class was 39,71 and the mean score of pre-test of experimental class was 43,97. Whereas the mean score of post-test of control class was 72,45 and the mean score of post-test of experimental class was 81,18. Then, t-score of pre-test of both classes was 1,4 and t-score of post-test both classes was 2,61. So, the t-score of post-test was higher than t-score of pre-test. It can be concluded that Mind Mapping can improve the students’ ability in reading comprehension at SMAN 1 Sukamakmur, Aceh Besar.

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