Marniati Marniati


Diarrhea is a condition where abnormal frequency defects occur more than three times as well as changes in content and consistency. Diarrhea is still a major health problem in children especially in developing countries including Indonesia. In the year of Diarrhea case in West Aceh regency that is 434 cases, so in Meureubo sub-district, the case of diarrhea in infants is 164 cases. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of mother's action and attitude toward diarrhea occurrence in under fives, with all mother population that have children as many as 30 mothers, sample (total sampling) that is 30 mothers who have children. Data analysis in this study using univariate and bivariate using Chi Square statistical test. The study was conducted on 15 - 18 October 2014. The results showed that the influence between the action and the attitude of the mother against the prevention of diarrhea in infants (P.Value <0,05). The conclusions of mother's actions and attitudes affect the prevention of diarrhea in infants. It is suggested to the related institutions to improve health promotion to the community, especially for mothers who have children under five, so that the case of diarrhea in under fives can decrease.

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