The need of clean water along with the increasing of population will increase the amount of clean water needs, but to meet the needs of clean water, it has been very difficult, because now many clean water contain very high chemical materials such as iron content (Fe) in water. Characteristic feature water that contains high iron that the water is clear for a moment when accommodated but will turn yellow after a while, smelling (usually iron or odor smell of soil), the water is a bit slippery. To know the exact numbers, laboratory examination can be done. Iron (Fe) is one element that can be encountered almost everywhere on earth, on all geological layers and all bodies of water. In general, the iron present in water can be dissolved. The Fe ion content of drilled well water can range from 5 - 7 mg / L. While the standard of iron water content pursuant to Permenkes RI: No. 416 / Menkes / Per / IX / 1990 maximum 1.0 mg / L, for that in the research concept is designed how to decrease the Fe content, using Aerasi method (spraying water into the air). Locations in the concept of research on dug wells in the Women's Dormitory Complex of Universitas Abulyatama Gampong Lampoh Keude Kecamatan Kuta Baru is made in a very simple way, by spraying water into the air.
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