Analisis Pola Tanam, Produktivitas Dan Pendapatan Petani Pada Tipologi Lahan Sawah Di Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Firdaus Firdaus, M. Nasir Ismail, Fathur Bashair


Climate change is very influential on cropping patterns, planted area, productivity and in the end will have an impact on the income that will be received by farmers. The land along the Krueng Aceh riverbank is land that stretches along both sides of the riverbed calculated from the riverbank to the foot of the inner embankment. Technically irrigated land in Kuta Baro District is one of the centers of rice production in Aceh Besar District. The purpose of the study was to determine the cropping pattern of farmers, lowland rice productivity and lowland rice farmers' income on land typology along the Krueng Aceh river with irrigated land. The research method used is the "survey" method and the sampling technique is Systematic Random Sampling. This study uses statistical analysis of the average difference test using the independent sample t-test method. The results showed that the cropping patterns on the two typologies of land along the Krueng Aceh river and on irrigated land in the study area were relatively the same as the monoculture cropping pattern. The commodity cultivated is paddy rice. For the average productivity of lowland rice on land along the Krueng Aceh river was 6,979.19 Kg/Ha, with an income of Rp. 2,980,201.39 /MT. While the average productivity of lowland rice on irrigated land was 7,267.39 Kg/Ha, with an income of Rp. 3,613,383.33/MT. From the results of data analysis of lowland rice productivity, it is obtained tcount = 110.66 > t table = 2.06 and farmers' income is obtained tcount = 10.48 > t table = 2.06 which means  then accept H1 reject Ho, in other words Lowland rice productivity and rice farmers' income on the typology of land along the Krueng Aceh river are different from irrigated land in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar District.

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