Studi Usaha Tani Pada Kelayakan Pembenihan Padi Varietas Ciherang di Kecamatan Meureudu Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

Teuku Fadhla, As’ad Al Hamidi


In conducting rice hatchery activities, farmers do their bussinness to require a variety of input production such as:  seed, fertilizer and other inputs. Therefore, further study on the feasibility of rice seeding business based on the amount of cost components incurred and the production of rice seed produced. But the farmers think that the farming is always profitable, even though the farmers never do the calculation of how much income will be obtained. The purpose of research to know and to analyze the feasibility of rice seeding business in Meureudu of Pidie Jaya Regency viewed from the aspect Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR). Hypothesis is effort of rice hatchery worth doing or cultivated in Meureudu of Pidie Jaya Regency in terms of Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR). Analysis method of rice seeding business used is cost analysis, revenue analysis, income analysis and feasibility analysis Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR). Average number of seed production 11,750 Kg / Ha, selling price cost. 6,500/Kg, production value cost. 76,368,577/Ha, production cost. 17,395,197 / Ha, revenue received cost. 58,973,379/Ha. The result of the feasibility analysis of rice seeding business in Meureudu of Pidie Jaya Regency was obtained RCR 4,39 so that value means that every expenditure in rice hatchery business of one  rupiah will be obtained with income of 4.39 rupiah. Thus it can be said that the effort of rice seeding is feasible to cultivate because (RCR> 1).

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