Gambaran Pola Asuh Ibu Terhadap Balita di Taman Kanak-Kanak Teuku Nyak Arief

Julinar Julinar, Eko Siswanto, Abdul Hakim


Parenting is the attitude and the way parents in preparing the younger family members, including children in order to make their own decisions and act on their own so that the change of state depends on the parents became independent and its responsibilities. So what is meant by parenting is a pattern that parents give in educating or caring for children either directly or indirectly. To determine the description of the mother parenting toddlers in kindergarten Teuku Nyak Arief. This study is descriptive. The study population were 48 mothers with a total sampling technique in order to obtain 48 respondents. This research instrument uses Parenting Style Questionare (PSQ). The analysis used is univariate analysis in the form of percentage. The results of this study is the number of 23 people (48.0%), mother's occupation with the highest frequency is the mother who does not Work as many as 30 people (62.5%), Maternal education with the highest frequency was in mothers with advanced education (SMA, PT) as many as 32 people (67.0%), and mother care pattern on toddlers in Kindergarten Teuku Nyak Arief most With authoritative upbringing 33 people (69.0%), permissive parenting 12 people (25.0%), and the lowest is authoritarian parenting 3 people (6.0%).Pattern foster mother to a toddler in kindergarten Teuku Nyak Arif most widely adopted is the authoritative parenting style with a number of 33 people (69.0%). While mother pattern of mother to toddler in Teuku Nyak Arief Kindergarten least applied is permissive parenting pattern with amount of 3 people (6.0%).

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