Perbandingan Frekuensi Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Diberikan Asi Eksklusif dan Tidak Diberikan Asi Eksklusif di Puskesmas Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh Tahun 2017

Suriatul Laila, Aslinar Aslinar, Amaliah Amini


Based on Aceh Health Service Banda Aceh City, there is 9.484 diarrhea incidence, while in baby achieve to 11,9% diarrhea incidence. This is show that diarrhea incidence in infant is high in Aceh. One of factor with causes diarhhea is the mother who giving BM is minimal. Achievements of exclusive Breast Milk (BM) in Indonesia is did not achieve standard numbers that is 80%. Based on SDKI report 2013, there is about 42% the Achievements of exclusive BM. While based on Aceh Health Service 2013, coverage from giving BM 0-6 month is only about 54,3%. One of factors which influence is Mother role in giving BM.For knowing The Comparison of Diarrheas Frequency On Child Who Given Exclusive BM and Who Did Not Given Exclusive BM at PuskesmasUleeKareng Banda Aceh.Analytic method with cross sectional study desain which going on 11 up to 13 february 2017. The respondent of this research is 68 respondents which obtained by propotional sampling and using the questionnaire which has designed. The research showed that there is a comparison of diarrheas frequency on child who given exclusive BM and who did not given exclusive BM at PuskesmasUleeKareng Banda Aceh. where is the value of T-Test is 3,484 > 1,9966. The conclusion of this research showed that the frequency of diarrhea in infant who giving BM is lower than who didnt give it

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