Khaidir Khaidir, Miswar Saputra


Strengthening character education in accordance with this nation is one of the government programs to realize the quality of education of good character and quality, which implementation is not only done through teaching and learning process both inside and outside school, but it needs the trust, self-image, and habituation (habituation) in everyday life so that the character attached to a person, as well as being religious, telling the truth, always disisplin, and so forth. In character education not only teaches about good and bad, but how one is able to implement something in real life ranging from the smallest scope such as family to the widest scope of society that can not be separated from religious norms. This research is a qualitative research with data collection technique through documentation study, interview, and observation. The subjects of the study were elementary school students and teacher councils at MTsS Nurur Rasyad Al-Aziziyah. The results of this study that strengthening character education through Islamic religious education with the development of school culture (school culture) showed good results and began to look its impact in the day-to-day life of learners.

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