Analisis Nilai Tambah Dan Tingkat Efisiensi Usaha Agroindustri (Ubi Kayu) Di Saree Kecamatan Lembah Seulawah Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Firdaus Firdaus, Khumaira Khumaira, Zikra Ikramullah, Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen


Cassava commodity is an important and very strategic food crop commodity because it can be used for a variety of products including food, feed, energy, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Various processed products from cassava include snacks / chips, tape, chicken feet, mocaff, liquid sugar, bio-ethanol fuel, medicinal base ingredients, cosmetics industry mix, plant growth stimulants, environmentally friendly plastic stirofoarm, and various products others. Research Objectives a) To find out the magnitude of the  benefits and the level of efficiency in processing cassava into tape, chicken paw yam and balado chips b) To determine the magnitude of added value in processing cassava into tape, chicken paw cassava and balado chips. This research was conducted in Saree, Lembah Seulawah sub-district, Aceh Besar District. by purposive sampling. The object of research is the agro-industry business group with the commodity of tape, chicken-claw sweet potato and balado chips. The sampling technique is "simple random sampling" the sample size is 25% of the population (28 people) craftsmen. Data collection is done through primary data and secondary data. Calculation of added value using the Hayami method, et al. (1987). The results showed that the profit earned per month by each type of processed cassava into cassava tape was Rp. 2,634,539 (28.38%), chicken paw cassava Rp. 3,859,532 (25.35%) and balado chips Rp 5,011,250 (29.00%), the amount of added value generated by each type of processed cassava tape is Rp. 3,994,539 (43.03%), chicken paw cassava Rp. 5,339,532 (35.07), and balado chips Rp. 6,511,250 (37.60). R / C ratio value of processing cassava into cassava, chicken paws and balado chips, the three types of preparations obtained R / C ≥ 1, meaning that the three types of processing business are feasible and efficient. The highest value of R / C ratio of processed type is balado chips, which is 1.41, which in economic terms says that each cost incurred in processing business of 1 rupiah will receive revenue of 1.41 rupiah.

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