Pembuatan Bubuk Flavour Kepala Udang Vannamei (Litopenaus vannamei) Sebagai Pengganti MSG (Monosodium glutamat)

Shafurah Atika, Lia Handayani


Shrimp waste is a side product that is thrown away without being utilization, so it can cause unpleasant odors to the environmental when decomposition processed. The unpleasant smell of decay will also invite germs. Utilization of shrimp waste into products such as flavor will add economic value, in addition to being used as a natural flavoring with high protein, it is also expected to be an alternative use of synthetic MSG (monosodium glutamate) flavor. The purpose of this study is as a preliminary test to determine the people's acceptance of flavor powder as a substitute for MSG flavor. The method used is a sensory analysis conducted on panelists. Shrimp head flavor powder was made with two variations of the addition of shrimp head concentrations, namely A (64.94%) and B (52.63%). Sensory test results showed that the appearance and odor specifications of the flavored powder processed sample A were preferred and the panalis taste and texture preferred the flavored powder sample B.

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