Usman Usman, Akhyar Akhyar, Teuku M Husni


movement to a social, political and economic movement, as well as the development of leadership and entrepreneurship to increase the dignity of combatants. This research uses the research type of literature and field study using qualitative approach that is descriptive explorative. Explorative research aims to describe in more detail the status of the state of social phenomena involving humans as an instrument of data collection. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The result of this research shown that Free Aceh Movement transforming from armed movement to social, political and economic movement and becoming civil society society. Civil society is the basis of modern democracy. Civil society is based on the principles of tolerance, decentralization, citizenship, activism in the public sphere, voluntary, self-sufficient, self-reliant, autonomous, and constitutionalism. As an effort in the process of social, political and economic change GAM combatants established political parties. Political parties became one of the vehicles for GAM to continue to fight for Aceh's interests. With a political party, GAM can compete to place its representation in the legislative seat in the General Election. GAM combatants continue to transform into individuals from the community to a democratic civil society in performing their roles and functions in the social environment.

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