One of the factors that determine the success of child development, influenced by intellectual intelligence (IQ) only contributes 20% for success, while 80% is a contribution factor of other forces, including emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to motivate self, frustration, controlling the urge of heart, set the mood (mood), empathy and work together. preliminary study that the author did in the Health Center Kuta Baro Aceh Besar District In 2017 the number of toddlers as many as 37 children. Research Objectives: To know the description of mother's knowledge about the development of gross motor and smooth In children under five at Kuta Health Center Baro Regency of Aceh Besar Year 2017. This research is Descriptive with Crossecsional design, with the population in this study are all mothers who have children under five. Sampling technique is using total sampling that is 30 samples. Data collection by distributing questionnaires. Result of research: show that from 37 respondents with good gross and fine motor development that is 23 respondents (62,2%), mother knowledge about gross and fine motor development is in good category that is 25 respondents (67,6%) , and attitudes about the development of fine rough and fine motor that is as much as 27 respondents (72.9%). It is hoped that health workers who work in Kuta Baro Health Center of Aceh Regency are big in disseminating information related to the development of gross and fine motor.
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