Cut Mulyani, Maria Heviyanti


Aceh is one of the provinces which is targeted to be able to self-sufficiency in rice and become the national food granary. One of the main problems in rice cultivation is the presence of pest that either directly or indirectly can cause a significant decrease in production. One way to overcome this problem is by utilizing the biological control agents such as predators and parasitoids.  The aim of this research was to know the diversity (Biodiversity), the composition of natural enemies (predators and parasitoids), and the abundance of predator and parasitoid in rice ecosystem (Oryza sativa L.) in Birem Bayeun and Pereulak regencies. Exploration of predators and insect parasitoid of pest is done by two methods; first method was determined by purposive sampling and sweep net method. Types of predators and parasitoids observed in the paddy field were 13 family predators and parasitoids spread over 18 species. Population predators of the highest insect pests are found in Pereulak regencies was 1.78 predators and Telenomus cyrus is a type of insect Parasitoid with the highest population average of 2.67 parasite. The diversity (H ') value of predators in the generative phase of lowland rice cultivation was in the low category of H' = 1. Overall the highest abundance of pest insect predators in Birem Bayeun and Pereulak regencies are Coccinelidae family.

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