Ilham Zulfahmi, Muliari Muliari, Yusrizal Akmal


This study aims to examine the changes that occur in liver Nila fish due to exposure  palm mill effluent. The experiment was conducted from March to June 2017. The experimental fish used was female fish with weights range 9-10 gram  and  length range 7 to 9 cm. The cronic test was carried out in Aquaculture Laboratory, University of Almuslim while the process of making histological liver fish done at Pathology Laboratory Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University.Experimental design consisted of four treatments with three replications. Treatment A (0 mg.L-1palm oil mill effluent), Treatment B (1,565 mg.L-1), Treatmen (2,347 mg.L-1), and Treatmen D (3,130 mg.L-1).The exposure period of test fish during chronic test were 45 days with observation parameters including survival rate, survival growth rate and hepatosomatic index (HSI). Preparation of histologic liver using histoteknic method with Hematoxilyn and Eosin staining. The stastistic analysis used was one-way ANOVA with different criteria markedly at 95% confidence level (p <0.05). The results showed that exposure palm oil mill effluent caused a decrease in the hepatosomatic value index of nile tilapia (p <0.05).Histology analysis describes exposure palm oil mill effluentcaused hemorrhage, congestion, inflammatory cell infiltration, hydrophilic degeneration, and necrosis in liver tissue of  nile tilapia.

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