Mohamad Gazali, Eri Safutra, Zulfadhli Zulfadhli, Neviaty P Zamani, Nurjanah Nurjanah


West of Aceh coastal have highly marine biodiversity especially marine macroalga. Nowadays, marine macroalgae has not yet utilized optimally by local community as medicine and cosmestical raw material especially West-South of Aceh. One of the macroalgae species that possess bioactive compound that promising suffficiently is Sargassum sp. The aim of this research is to explore bioactive compound as antibacteria. In this study, activity of antibacteria of marine macroalga ethanol extract Sargassum sp was tested by using disc difussion method.  Bioactivity of exploration of such macroalga extract was expressed by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Activity of antibacteria against negative gram bacteri Escherichia coli and positive gram bacteri Staphylococcus aureus  was discussed in this research. According to the result that minimum concentration Sargassum sp extract can inhibit bacteria is 1,25% whereas according to antibiotic standart of amphicilin for E. coli  is 10%, 5%, and 2,5% namely it have inhibition zone diameter 8,11 mm (strongly sensitive), 6,92 mm (sensitive) and 6,65 (sufficiently sensitive). Moreover, for S. aureus showed that  extract minimum concentration is 1,25% and 2,5% wth inhibition zone 6,0 mm whereas in concentration of 10% and 5% possess inhibition zone diameter 6,97 mm and 6,46 mm. It is showed the higher of concentration of Sargassum sp extract thus the higher also phenolic content  and tannin so, its extract can inhibit bacterial growth E. coli and S. aureus.

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