Irhamni Irhamni, Diana Diana, Saudah Saudah, Dewi Mulyati, Mulia Aria Suzanni, Ernilasari Ernilasari


The durian skin contains 5% starch and lignin elements containing 50-60% cellulose. Carbohydrates are the basic ingredients in the manufacture of ethanol.. The accumulated durian skin waste will be a source of pollution if not empowered properly. One effort to empower the durian skin waste is to process it into bioethanol product. This research uses durian leather waste for bioethanol production. The use of alphaamylase enzyme and glucoamylase enzyme for breakdown of cellulose in leather waste durian so that bioethanol production is increasing. pH 4.5 shows the highest ethanol content in water that is equal to 16.69. The lowest ethanol concentration in water was achieved at pH 5 of 8.02%. The purity of the distilled bioethanol using rotary evaporator was analyzed using a GCMS tool. The highest peak of chromatogram was in an area of 96.99% dimenit to 2,163 detected at the first peak was bioethanol. Followed by the second peak of acetic acid 3.01% minutes to 13,279. Through this research is expected to reduce environmental pollution from the accumulation of durian leather waste and become a new alternative fuel bioethanol production from durian leather waste.

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