Anzora Anzora, Ade Irfan, Ruhaya Mardalena


This is because learning is done conventionally teacher during which it is difficult to prepare students to face the unknown future. One effort to overcome this problem is to adopt a strategy map concept. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning with the implementation of the strategy on the concept of map material Association. The data collection is done with the test, student activity observation, questionnaire, and observation ability of teachers. The results showed that the significant level α = 0.05, obtained thit> ttable ie 3.22> 1.70 then H0 of rejection and acceptance Ha, thereby Ha accepted. Exhaustiveness students' test results obtained percentage of 88% and already meets the KKM has been determined. Thus, it can be concluded that results for students with concept maps complete implementation of the strategy. The results of the research activities of students at a meeting I was classified as very good with an average of 89.26, while the second meeting with an average of 89.62 which is exceptionally good. So, student activities with the implementation of the strategy map is a good concept. Student response to the application of the concept map strategies against each of the components that are in selection agree and strongly agree, that 92% is based on the criteria of questionnaire responses 85% - 100% then it got good response at all. Teacher's ability to manage learning in the meeting I and II are in the good category, and the average was 3.76 and 3.84. This suggests that the ability of teachers to use concept map is a good strategy. Thus the implementation of the strategy map concept on the set material in class VII SMPN 18 Banda Aceh is effective.

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