Ferlya Elyza, Ema Dauyah


Finding out whether the Teachers Feedback strategy can improve students’ ability in writing skill and also to know whether Teachers Feedback Strategy is a good strategy in writing skill at SMAN 1 Kuta Baro were the purposes of the research. Pre experimental study was applied in thi study, which was under the quantitative research. The population of this research was the first grade students at SMAN 1 Kuta Baro. The sample of the students was 15 students. Before starting the teaching process, the researcher gave the pretest first. After applying teaching by using Teachers Feedback Strategy, the researcher gave posttest. The researcher continued by giving questionnaire, it contained the statement about the application of Teachers Feedback.  Based on the research findings, the writer found that teaching writing by using Teachers Feedback Strategy was better. From the result it was found that the mean score of pretest was 37, 8 and the mean score of posttest was 73, 2. Based on the result above, it showed that the score of the posttest was higher than the pretest. It could be concluded that the hypotheses were proved.

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