Yushita Marini, Nisha Marina


This study aimed to get empirical evidence regarding the corporate governance mechanism proxied by the size of the board of commisioners, independent directors, the size of the board of directors and audit committees that affect the value of the company. This study using purposive sampling method for collecting samples of the companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange that publish the complete annual financial statements for 2010-2014, have the data necessary corporate governance in research, the company has never delisted and present its financial statements in Indonesian Rupiah , From the analysis of the study showed that the size of the board of commisioners, independent directors, and the size of the board of directors affect the value of the company, while the audit committee does not affect the value of the company.


The Corporate Governance, The Board of commisioners, The Independent Directors, The Board of Directors, The Audit committee, The Value of The Company

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