Erlinda Nurhidayati, Rahmiati Rahmiati, Rahmah Hayati


This research aimed to look at the administration of NASA liquid organic fertilizer (POC) concentration and AB mix concentration and to look at the interaction of the two treatments tested. The method used in this research was a Direct Randomized Design arranged factorially consisting of 2 treatment factors applied to kailan plants which were repeated 3 times. The first factor is NASA POC concentration with three treatment levels, namely: A1 = 2 ml/ l water, A2 = 4 ml/ l water, and A3 = 6 ml/ l water. The second factor is the concentration of AB mix with four treatment levels, namely: B1 = 0 ml/ l water, B2 = 5 ml/ l water, B3 = 10 ml/ l water, and B4 = 15 ml/ l water. The data obtained was then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the best administration of NASA POC is at a concentration of 2 ml/l of water for all parameters tested, while the best administration of AB mix is at a concentration of 15 ml/l of water for all parameters tested. The results of the interaction between giving NASA POC in the treatment with a concentration of 6 ml/l water and giving AB Mix in the treatment with a concentration of 5 ml/l water (A3B2) had a significant effect on root length parameters with an average root length of 22.63 cm. In the future, this research can help beginner and senior hydroponic farmers in selecting and using nutrients well and efficiently.


Pakcoy, hydroponics, wick system, POC Nasa, ab mix

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