Idris Idris, Firdaus Firdaus, Khumaira Khumaira


Abstract: Pineapple fruit is a fruit plant that is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions, one of which is in Central Aceh District. Pineapple marketing is one of the most important subsystems of the agribusiness system.This study aims to determine the level of marketing channel efficiency and marketing margins of pineapples in each pineapple marketing channel in Pegasing District, Central Aceh District. Research methodology. The sampling method for farmers was carried out using the Simple Random Sampling method for 25 farmers. Determination of the sample traders using the "Census Method" of 14 traders. The data analysis method used in this research is marketing efficiency analysis and marketing margin analysis. The results showed that the marketing channel in the research area consisted of three marketing channels, the first marketing channel was from farmers - end consumers, the second marketing channel was from farmers - retailers - end consumers. The third marketing channel is from farmers - village level collectors - retailers - final consumers. The biggest profit margin for the first channel was obtained by farmers of IDR. 12,133.26/Kg (97.07%). The second marketing channel obtains a profit margin of IDR 10,000.00/Kg (80.00%), then the profit margin on the third marketing channel obtains a profit margin of IDR. 8000.00/Kg (64.00%). The value of marketing efficiency coefficient on the first channel is 2.93%, on the second marketing channel is 3.61% and the third marketing channel is 9.87%. And this meets the efficient criteria if the value is at rank (0 - 33%). This shows that the three marketing channels are efficient.

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