Aplikasi Arang Sekam dan Pupuk Kandang Kambing Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Terung Ungu (solanum melongena l.)
Application of Husk Charcoal and Goat Manure on Growth and Yield of Purple Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)". This study aims to determine the effect of various doses of husk charcoal and goat manure on purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) . This study was carried out. on December 12, 2021 until March 20, 2022 in West Aceh Regency. This study used a 4 x 4 factorial randomized block design (RAK) with 3 replications, so there were 16 treatment combinations and 48 experimental units. The first factor studied was the variety of husk charcoal (A) consisting of 4 levels of treatment, A0 = Control, A1 = 25 grams/polybag, A2 = 50 grams/polybag and A3 = 75 grams/polybag. While the second factor studied was Goat Manure (K) consisting of 4 levels of treatment, namely without treatment K0 = Control, K1 = 25 grams/polybag, K2 = 50 grams/polybag and K3 = 75 grams/polybag. Each treatment was repeated 3 times at the same time. Observations observed included: ,, number of fruit, fruit weight and fruit length. The results showed that the treatment of several doses of husk charcoal on purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) had a very significant effect and fruit length. The treatment of goat manure had a very significant effect fruit length. However, it had no significant effect on the number of fruits and fruit weight. There was no significant interaction in the treatment composition of the dose of husk charcoal and goat manure on purple eggplant plants
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3061/unayaded.v6i2.3472
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