Pematahan Dormansi Secara Fisik dan Pengaruh Media Tanam Yang Berbeda Terhadap Perkecambahan Kemiri (aleurites molueeana wild)

Syariani Br Tambunan, Desi Sri Pasca Sari S, Fadri Firdaus S


Pecan is a plant whose seeds are used as spices or oil sources. The development of this plant has problems because the seeds are difficult to germinate. Seed viability can be inhibited by the ability of seeds to delay germination, namely having dormancy properties (Heyne, 1987). Dormancy can be broken by preliminary treatment to reactivate dormant seeds. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of physically breaking the pecan seed dormancy on different planting media. This research was conducted in Bambel Village, Bambel District, Southeast Aceh Regency, which began in July 2018 until August, the study used factorial randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor is in stinging the second factor is burned. The number of plants per plot (gr), number of plants per sample (gr), the study showed that the media and physical treatment significantly affected the germination of candlenut plants.

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