Analisis Faktor Produksi Terhadap Hasil dan Keuntungan Usahatani Cabai Merah Dengan Beberapa Sistem Olah Tanah di Bantaran Krueng Aceh

Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, M Nasir Ismail


The purpose of this  study is to  analysis the production  and profitability  using several management systems on a chili farm  in Krueng Aceh river banks, This study uses cluster  sampling  survey with  a  random sampling  technique for  50 percent of the population. The study is conducted in the District of  Ingin Jaya. Krueng Sarona Jaya, and Darussalam, The data are analysed using analysis of F test  and t  test  on  linear  regression  equation  and the  RIC   ratio,  The  results performed that the land management systems of minimum tillage is more profitable than the maximum tillage on chili farming, Then. the F test results simultaneously point out that all production factors influence the chile farm  production in both tillage  systems. The results of  the partial  test  (t test). the chile  farming  with minimum tillage system stated that only a size of the production land factor (Xl). KLC manure (X5)  and pesticide (X8)  are affected the production. while the other production factors have no effect. The chili farm tillage system with a maximum of tillage. it is only a size the production land (Xl) is affected the production. while the other factors have no effect.

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