Potensi Pemanfaatan Pupuk Kandang dan Mulsa Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kol Bunga (Brassica Oleraceae L.)

Savitri Savitri


Abstract:  This research is aimed for advance growing and production of Brocolli through the giving  animal fertilizer and organic cover crop. This research is executed in Desa Lhong Cut, Kecamatan Banda Raya Banda Aceh, month of 13 of January to 7 of March 2017. The device used in this research is Randomized Block Design Faktorial by using 2 factors, that are animal fertilizer as espesial check consist of 3 levels, that are A0 = 0 ton/ha, A1 = 10 ton/ha (50 gram/polybag), dan A3 = 20 ton/ha (100 gram/polybag) and the second factor are organic cover crop as espesial check consist of 3 levels, that are M0 = without cover crop, M1 = rice unhulled  15 ton/ha (75 gram/polybag) and M2 = rice straw 15 ton/ha ( 75 gram/polybag). The parameters that are perceived are plant height, flower weight and diameter of flower. Result of this research indicated that the giving of animal fertilizer showing non significant influence for plant height for 15 and 30 HST, but shows significant influence for 45 HST.  For parameters flower weight and diameter of flower shows non significant influence too. The giving organic cover crop  rice straw and rice hulled dont give the significant influence for all the parameters that are perceived. No have interaction between  giving the animal fertilizer and the organic cover crop. The best dosage for animal fertilizer is A1 = 100 gram/polybag and the best cover crop is M2 = rice straw 15 ton/ha.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3061/unayaded.v1i1.1063


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