Hubungan Dukungan Suami dan Peran Petugas Kesehatan dengan Kelengkapan Kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC) pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Cut Rahmi Muharrina, Yuli Zuhkrina, Irma Junita


ANC visits are very important for pregnant women to get health services at least 4 times during pregnancy. The success of ANC visits can be seen from the coverage of K1 and K4. There are several factors that influence mothers in conducting ANC visits such as parity, attitudes, husband's support, and the role of health workers. This study aims to determine the relationship between husband’s support and the role of health workers with the completeness of Antenatal Care (ANC) visits to pregnant women in the Kuta Baro Community Health Center, Aceh Besar Distict. This research uses cross sectional method. The sample in this study was pregnant women with gestational age >32 weeks and had a KIA book who conducted an examinations at the Kuta Baro Health Center which collected 50 people. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The data analysis used is chi-square. The test results showed that there was a relationship between husband's support (p = 0.021) and the role of health workers (p = 0.001) with the Completeness of Antenatal Care (ANC) visit for Pregnant Women in the Kuta Baro Health Center Work Area, Aceh Besar District. The role of health workers in the completeness of ANC visits to pregnant women, the better the role of health workers, the more confident pregnant women are to make reguler visits. For this reason, it is hoped that the active participation of health workers in supporting pregnant women in carrying out their pregnancy checks, so that reguler ANC visits can prevent the risk of complications during pregnancy and reduce maternal mortality (MMR) dan infant mortality (IMR).

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