Mulyati Sri Rahayu, Meutia Maulina


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in Indonesia. Central obesity is one of the risk factors that is often found in patients with CHD. The ratio of waist and hip circumference (waist hip ratio) method is considered as the anthropometric measurement which is more sensitive, cheaper and easier to assess central obesity.This study aims to determine the relationship between hip and waist circumference ratio with the incidence of coronary heart disease in Cut Meutia district hospital in 2016.This study is an analytic study using cross-sectional study design. Blood pressure, total cholesterol and blood sugar levels in this study serve as a controlling variable. Sampling studied used convenient sampling with 56 sampels that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis of the relationship between hip and waist circumference ratio with the incidence of CHD uses statistic test of Chi Square with a significant degree (α) of 0,05.Based on the results of the bivariate analysis there was statistically relationship between hip and waist circumference ratio with incidence of CHD with value of p-value 0.04 (p value<α). The relationship between the ratio of waist and hips with the incidence of CHD is confirmed in the patients of Cut Meutia District Hospital. 

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