Hubungan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Tentang Toilet Training Pada Anak Usia 18-36 Bulan Dengan Pelaksanaannya di Desa Gue Gajah Kecamatan Darul Imarah

Bukhari Bukhari, Luhur Rahmatika, Neti Hartaty, Iskandar Iskandar


: Toilet training teaches the child to control the habit of disposing in the proper place, so that it does not just give up anything. The purpose of this research is to know the relation of parental knowledge about toilet training at children aged 18-36 months with its implementation in Gue Gajah Village Darul Imarah Sub District Year 2016. This research is descriptive correlational. The study was conducted July 12-26, 2016 using a questionnaire. The implementation of toilet training was in the category of either 52 respondents (54.2%). Stages of toilet training are in the low category 52 respondents (54.2%). Factors affecting toilet training were in the low category of 59 respondents (51.0%). The impact of toilet training was in the high category of 62 respondents (64.6%). The procedure of toilet training implementation was in the low category of 50 respondents (52.1%). There is no parental knowledge relation about toilet training with P-value 0,306. There is no relationship of parent knowledge about toilet training stage with P-value 0,784. The existence of parent knowledge relation about factors influencing preparedness of toilet training with P-value 0,039. The lack of parental knowledge relating to the impact of toilet training with P-value 0.212. There is no relationship of parent knowledge about how to conduct toilet training with P-value 0,811. For the mother is expected to be input knowledge of parents in applying toilet training in children aged 18-36 months.

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